Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Starting Internship

Hello from PDX (Portland)!

This year is a big year for me. For one, I turned big 3-0. Two, I graduated medical school. Three, I made the move back to the west coast from New York to Portland, Oregon to start internship. I still sometimes wonder if I made the right choice, moving back west. New York became home to me in many respects and while I am originally from California, I have spent the majority of my adult life on the East Coast. I've moved around a lot, but leaving New York was probably the hardest thing to actually do when the time came. I've been blessed to have such great family and friends to help me through it, especially my cousin Viv who came out this May to visit and give me outside insight to the big move, and to my friend Andy who helped me pack up the apt as I made my way out of town this June.

So one piece of advice my cousins husband, who happens to be a newly minted attending physician, imparted to me prior to starting internship was to pick up a new hobby. I'm hoping to keep up this diary this year. With my geographic isolation and relative newness to Portland fresh in my mind, I am hoping to keep in touch via this site. Everyone has ideas and thoughts about how medical internship year goes. The goal is to see if I can reflect on my experience through this means, and stay relatively sane. And not break HIPAA in the process.

So here it goes...

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