Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year! Resolution#1, keep up with the blog.

Alright. Its a new year. new resolution: keep up with this blog. So what's up with me? I'm in the 4th year of med school- which means, i've been interviewing and applying for residency. So its a: the best year of my life, where there is little responsibility, no classes, lots of vacation; or its b: the most stressful time in ones life where in 3 months, who knows where I will be and like a young freshman rushing a sorority, i will find out if I matched kappa pi phi through some random computer system. Yes, that's how it works. And with that, this entry, as it is the last of the 2009 year, and right before i go out for new years or pass out, is of course, a best of, entry. WEll maybe not the best, but the top 10 albums of the 2000's that I can recall at this moment. So look for me in teh future year and without further Ado: --

Channy's (top) 10 "rock" albums of the 2000's. With 1 sentence that definitely doesn't do justice to why it is selected.

1. Wilco - Yankee Hotel Foxtrot. Was there any doubt? Yes, I love this band, but this album stands on its own. Is the album I take when I'm on the proverbial desert island and all i can take is water and 1 cd, along with Jesus, Etc.

2. Radiohead - KidA. The critiques favorite, and I agree. Morning Bell is not just the thing I dreaded in highschool, it also means that its nearing the end of the album.

3. Arcade Fire - Funeral. So good, even kids who love "where the wild things are" movie know it.

4. The Strokes - Is this it? Its easy, not Hard to Explain, why this album rocks.

5. Pete Yorn - Music for the Morning After. PY doesn't get any respect. Whatever you think of his newer work, this album is definitely one of the top albums of this decade.

6. Death Cab for Cutie - Transatlanticism. I still don't know what 'transatlantacism' means, but I still like to sing "ba ba, this is the sound of settling" in the shower once in a while.

7. The National - Boxer. 2010, and i still feel as if I'm half awake in this fake empire.

8. The Walkman - Bows and Arrows. I remember ACL 2005, this band just killed it.

9. Franz Ferdinand- You Could have it so much better. I don't even really have all the song tracking. The song about elenor putting her heels in the brooklyn dirt is genius.

10. Josh Rouse- Nashville. I never get tired of this album. Winter in the hamptons is what i dream about in the NYC.

others that probably deserve to be up here: Travis, Vampire Wknd, Whitest Boy Alive, Decemberists, Fleet Foxes, Belle and Sebastian.

-- See you next year. Channy

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